Packing for a cruise
Packing the right clothes for a cruise has always been a big challenge. I’ve packed for more than a few cruises by now but it is getting even harder because cruise companies are offering more activities that need a greater mix of formal, informal and casual evenings at sea. Packing the shorts, t-shirts and bathing…
Packing tips for everyone
Even the most experienced travelers need help packing and are constantly learning new travel tips. Packing tips Start to pack early. Don’t wait until the night before you leave. My check list of what I’ve forgotten on past trips: a power strip to plug in several electronic devices when there aren’t enough, conveniently located, electrical…
Unusual packing tips for frequent travelers
My five most useful packing tips for frequent travelers. Packing is always stressful. Even though I’ve packed for trips to over 100 countries on seven continents, it is always stressful and I keep learning ways to make it easier. Also check out: Ten Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Vacation and Ten Things to Pack in…
Check list: day before travel
Packing is such a pain. Lists help me reduce the stress. Here’s my list of last minute items I’ve forgotten in the past: cell phone charger, night gown, toothpaste, washcloth (many hotels overseas do not provide them), large safety pin or clothespin to fully close hotel drapes, a rubber door stopper for added security in hotel…
Summer travel tips
Summer travel tips so your vacation will go more smoothly. Most of us plan our vacations months before we travel. The more preparation we do, the less stress we’ll have when the time come to take off. In this short video, I share some tips that will minimize the misery and maximize the magic…
Summer travel tips
Summer travel tips so your vacation will go more smoothly. Most of us plan our vacations months before we travel. The more preparation we do, the less stress we’ll have when the time come to take off. In this short video, I share some tips that will minimize the misery and maximize the magic…
Blog & packing tips from college co-ed study abroad
Annalyse, a college student from Los Angeles is studying abroad in Florence, Italy. She shares tips, trips and tales from Europe: Although I do not want to have a bulging, heavy carry on bag, I can hear my father’s word seared into my memory, “Be sure to have a change of clothing, underwear and all…
Packing for Paris
Let’s face it, Parisian women are, at least by American standards, always stylish in unusual ways. So when visiting Paris, plan to “dress up” more than you would in other destinations. Packing takes more effort to select neat and fashionable clothes that are also comfortable. How? Pack stylish jeans, which Parisians wear everywhere. If you…
Spring break beach trip in the planning. Mexico?
Lousy winter weather and a pent up demand for a vacation in the sun are my reasons for heading south to Mexico. The top international destination for Spring Break is Cancun, along the gulf of Mexico and that’s where I’m going next week. Actually I’m going to an area an hour south of Cancun called…
Travel tips for everyone
Leave Your Itinerary with someone back home. Whether you’re single or have a million relatives, leave your travel itinerary with a colleague, friend or loved one. Carry extra copies with you in case you lose it. It’s also a good idea to carry photocopies of your passport, photo I.D. and emergency contacts. Protect Yourself I…
Pack like a pro
Start packing at least a week before your departure. If you’re going on an adventure or overseas trip, begin several weeks in advance. Plan, plan, plan. Make lists of what you will wear each day and what tops go with different skirts or slacks. Pick a color theme. Black, navy or khaki are the best…
Video: high speed packing tips
This high-speed demonstration shows how to fit everything you need for your trip into your luggage. Visit http://www.PackingMadeEasy.com for more packing tips, packing lists, advice, information, and videos from Marybeth Bond, the Gutsy Traveler! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKPTAd-l-kU