The best travel apps for frequent travelers
As avid travelers, we want to share the best travel apps we have found useful before and during our journeys worldwide. Walking tours anytime by local experts Detour, is a cool new app for people who hate conventional walking tours (meeting with large groups at an appointed time, having to follow along at the tour…
Packing tips for everyone
Even the most experienced travelers need help packing and are constantly learning new travel tips. Packing tips Start to pack early. Don’t wait until the night before you leave. My check list of what I’ve forgotten on past trips: a power strip to plug in several electronic devices when there aren’t enough, conveniently located, electrical…
Video: high speed packing tips
This high-speed demonstration shows how to fit everything you need for your trip into your luggage. Visit http://www.PackingMadeEasy.com for more packing tips, packing lists, advice, information, and videos from Marybeth Bond, the Gutsy Traveler! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKPTAd-l-kU