Walking trips in europe
Walking trips in Europe are a safe and easy way to avoid the tourist crowds in big cities? Get off the beaten path. Add a few days of walking to your itinerary. How do you organize a getaway from the crowds? On Foot Holidays, a well-respected English walking company, now offers 16 routes with four-night options,…
Cruise the croatian islands or the Greek islands
Crystal clear seas and more than 1,000 islands lure sailors to cruise the Croatian Islands or the Greek Islands every summer. My husband and I chartered a 42-foot Jenneau sloop for a sailing holiday among these idyllic islands. Our two teenage daughters accompanied us – spending most of their…
Exploring Thessaloniki: Take a walk in the cultural capital of Greece
“Just walk slowly,” he said. A rather odd answer to my inquiry about tips for sightseeing in Thessaloniki, Greece, but he was a local and the nods of agreement from his friends backed up the statement. In hindsight, his advice was the perfect embodiment of Thessaloniki: simple, yet significant; unhurried, but purposeful. The βόλτα or…