How remote is it? Close enough for a several day “add-on” to a trip to Peru
Easter Island, known as Rapa Nui (pronounced Rapa New-ee) is known as one of the most remote inhabited island in the world, and a five-star world heritage site.
New direct LAN flights from Peru just made the trip easier and shorter. It’s only a 4 ½ hour flight from Lima. That’s shorter than the flights from the West Coast to Hawaii.
Yes, the flight from LAX to Lima is 8 hours, but if you’re in South America already, a three night side-trip is easier than ever.
The other gateway city is Santiago, Chile, but the new direct flights from Lima cut off several hours.
And if you fly in Business Class you’ll get a flat sleeper chair. Use your One World miles for an upgrade and enjoy the extensive wine list (for an airplane), rack of lamb or salmon.