Gutsy Women is a must-read for the women who travel. Featured on Oprah and the Today Show.
Also the story of Marybeth and her daughter biking across the USA; 3,115 miles.
“It’s a nuts-and-bolts approach to women’s travel…seasoned advice geared to both novices and veterans.” — USA TODAY
“Packed with instructive and inspiring travel vignettes and tips…it is not just for adventure seekers or solo travelers.” — BOSTON GLOBE
“The perfect bon voyage gift for your favorite woman traveler” — LIVING FIT
Read about Romance in Kathmandu, Riding a Bike Across America, A Mountain Man in Utah and more.
REVIEW: Gutsy Women, for novice as well as experienced travelers, provides a wealth of fresh ideas on how to travel safely, comfortably, within your budget, alone, with your mother or children. Sections of the book address: The Older Adventuress, The First Time Traveler, The Solo Traveler, Women’s Health and Hygiene, Dining on the Road, and Romance, Loneliness, and Unwelcome Advances.
The best-selling book is packed with funny, instructive and inspiring travel vignettes from the author and from people like yourself who have traveled a little, or extensively.
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