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From our friends at Thomson Family Adventures:

1) Maybe you’ve been to all the usual places… but Turkey is NOT a usual place. It’s full of more surprises than we can even  tell you about.

2) History. World history was practically invented in Turkey. From the Roman emperor Constantine to the ruins of Ephesus, the Hagia Sofia to the Silk Road – so much of the world has happened in Turkey. And for so many years before you can even imagine…

3) Art. Such beautiful mosaics, tiles, carpets and pottery. The designs might make you swoon, and the chance to throw your own pot or weave some carpet? Really fun.

4) Hiking. Some of the world’s most compelling landscape is here in Turkey. The  lunar feel of Cappadocia is a magical exploration, from cave dwellings to underground cities. Yes, underground cities. Like 8 stories deep.

5) Landscape. Not into hiking, but like breathtaking views? Come to Turkey. From the nightly glow of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul to the Valley of the Roses in Cappadocia to the lush Taurus Mountains, you’ll have plenty to appreciate.

6)  Caravanserai. Ever wonder where those camel caravans traveling the Silk Road stopped to take a rest? Wait ’til you see.

7) Rumi. Whirling Dervishes, poetry and a shrine. Even the kids will be fascinated – and maybe you’ll share a poem or two on the way out

8 ) The Taurus Mountains. A beautiful drive through changing landscape, up to remote villages and the proud people who live there. Soccer anyone?

9) The Mediterranean. My kids will tell you about this slice of heaven…nights stretched out on deck with the lapping water soothing you to sleep under a star lit sky. Days exploring coastline and meadows, ruins and ghost towns. Wow.

10) Ephesus. Springing from the Dark Ages, Ephesus was the second largest city in the world in the first century BC. Can you even imagine how long ago that was?? Now the largest collection of Roman ruins in the Eastern Mediterranean, still only 15% of the site has been excavated.

Add to all of this, new friends. Any extraordinary experience will bond you with the people you share it with. Turkey is no exception.
